A bitter sweet ending to downhill skiing. I am exhausted from a busy season and glad it's over, but oh how we loved it so! She is a great skier. She got one 8th place, one 4th, then a 2nd, and 6th overall. This is the 6th place trophy.
Next picture isn't as cute. Ta-Da it's me! A close up of my braces and retainers. Top and bottom retainer and braces on top. It is to fix my TMJ and I can honestly tell you that when he put in the top retainer that has a splint built in, my jaw pain disapaited. It's not gone altogether, because there is way too much going on in there now, but I seriously went from a 7 of daily pain and other sparatic symptoms, to about 3 of pain sometimes.
I have been led to document my allergy and TMJ symptoms and treatments here. It is going to take a while but it is something that I feel God wants me to share. I won't do it all at once though. If I can help just one person, it is worth the effort it takes me. I really feel almost 100% better. I am back to the hyper person with bounds of energy.
The bottom line was: the allergist at Allergy Associates of LaCrosse believes that I am allergic to a lot of things and I couldn't get away from them (like my house, my pets, and food). In turn, my body started atacking everything, including foods I may not necessarily be allergic to in the future and cars.
The TMJ specialist at Spahl Dentistry in St. Paul. (yes I drive 4 hours for an appointment) has listed a string of symptoms from all over my body to my TMJ. Cold hands and feet and fuzzy spots on my vision for example.
I have been led to document my allergy and TMJ symptoms and treatments here. It is going to take a while but it is something that I feel God wants me to share. I won't do it all at once though. If I can help just one person, it is worth the effort it takes me. I really feel almost 100% better. I am back to the hyper person with bounds of energy.
The bottom line was: the allergist at Allergy Associates of LaCrosse believes that I am allergic to a lot of things and I couldn't get away from them (like my house, my pets, and food). In turn, my body started atacking everything, including foods I may not necessarily be allergic to in the future and cars.
The TMJ specialist at Spahl Dentistry in St. Paul. (yes I drive 4 hours for an appointment) has listed a string of symptoms from all over my body to my TMJ. Cold hands and feet and fuzzy spots on my vision for example.
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