Too much computer
Is this my hint that I spend too much time on the computer? I am currently having technical problems with a site called Smarthinking. It's an essay review site, I had a heck of a time logging in and submitting my paper, and now I can't go get my corrected one! It's due tomorrow night so hopefully I can get it and do the last minute revisions I know they'll point out.
Otherwise, Sara and the kids are sick with a head cold. I am trying to type and deal with my nose running at the same time. Yeah I know more than you needed to know. We have the appraisal for our house tomorrow morning so pray for a high number! REALLY HIGH like 255,000. 
AnnaBelle still only takes about 5 steps, but now SHE SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT! Oh I am so excited, she is sick and still sleeping through the night!! After I get used to this it is time to pull the plug (pacifier). She only has it at bed to go to sleep so her days are numbered anyway.
I'll have to get a picture of "Princess Pouty Face." It's what we call Gevie. She crosses her arms makes a "humph" and sticks her nose up in the air as she walks away. We just ignore her or laugh.
Yeah! It must have been the ears eh? So glad for ALL of you that she is sleeping through the night finally! Thanks for the update. I do want to see Genevieve's pouty face. Sounds pretty hilarious!