Thanksgiving Week

Do we ever stop?! Anyone who knows us, well okay anyone reading this hopefully knows us. Anyway, we had a huge busy weekend and we won't be stopping anytime soon. I don't know why people say things slow down in the fall and winter because we are like the energizer bunny.

On Friday we went to a huge super birthday party at Gid's parents to celebrate four or five birthdays. I was great fun, tons of people, I am of course looking forward to having 20 people at my house next month for Gevie's party.

Saturday Gid went hunting most of the day and didn't see a thing, he and his brother are convinced the deer are waiting until Sunday at dusk to come out and then all the hunters will here a barrage? of champagne bottles opening. Singnaling the deer celebrating our defeat. Oh and Sara took the girls with Oma and Rhonda to a craft sale in Schroeder.

Sunday we went to my Dad's house for Lasagne (Sara had some creamy pesto ravioli, good but not lasagne good). We saw Ben and Goosie again along with a couple of my Dads friends. Rae and Gevie got to play with these annoying self driving cars, you put them on the floor and they just keep going. Well somehow Gevie set her car next to RaeAnne's hair and around it went. I do have a picture of that. So nothing if not interesting.

And here we go.. On Wednesday we are putting 8 people (6 adults and 2 kids) into our Suburban and heading to Indiana to see Gid's Aunt Lois. Fifteen hours of driving, yay! (NOt). I am looking forward to going so have fun during your Thanksgiving and I'll get back to work.


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