GV Starts Practice

GV at ski practice. The whole family now is ready for ski season. Gid even said today that he had fun skiing and felt like he knew what he was doing. We are gearing up for a busy several weeks with birthdays and Christmas' (yes plural, we party til the new year with family).

AB loves to ski to but mostly likes me to hold her up so she doesn't crash. She loves all sorts of music stuff and is practicing her lines for a church program. Others will sing too, she's not doing a solo or anything.

EL is allergic to milk. We are of course bummed, we had hoped for another GV with no allergies. She gets a immediate sore throat, so she won't even drink it (never did). She also starts to cough and squeak and it can go on for days. She sounds like a lap dog: yip, yip. So she has a nebulizer (albuterol in a mist) and it really makes an immediate difference. She stops coughing immediately.

I still don't eat anything with out a headache, but have noticed a difference after I cut out sugar and the big sources of MSG.


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