Flip and Puddle and other New Stuff!

On Sat. we went to a garage sale and made out well. A chair for daycare, a Barbie boat, a whole bunch of rhubarb and these two cuties. Yes we will be raising them for future dinners. Not these per say, but ducks. Gideon has always wanted chickens but these were cuter. They are Moscovy ducks. We are still learning about them since we didn't plan this out ahead of time. The are apparently super awesome eaters (both eaten and what they eat). They eat slugs off garden plants and weeds but not garden. They eat mosquitos and black flies, and vegetable peels. I'll try to get better at posting.

In other news. I made the call to the oxygen rental company to come and get all their tanks. I drove to IL with no oxygen. It has almost completely gone away. I am still not eating anything. Remember my list is long so to everyone else I'm not eating anything. I am quite happy and eat a normal diet.

AnnaBelle goes in for her testing at Allergy Associates on July 1st. We are so excited to find out what she might be allergic to so she can feel as well as I do. She has been having more stomach and body aches and has once again had a cold for about a month.

Genevieve lost her first tooth and is excited about kindergarten in the fall. She will be going to Great Expectations School.

Eloise stands up and walks if you hold her hands, but she still has awhile before walking. She is almost nine months old. One tooth, still waiting for first word.

I'm done for now, have a great week!


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