Finally an Update! A long one!

I look at this blog everyday and think of all the things that are going on that I want the few people that follow it to read. I post some of the info on FB but not nearly enough! So this might be a long one to read, but we have done so much since Jan.! First off is that I am feeling way better on my diet without all my allergens. For a short recap I have completely cut out; corn, eggs, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, seeds, and green beans because of the car issue and hives/itchy-tingly skin. I am still on low acid so most fruits are out. I still eat lots of foods, they just don't usually come out of a package, which is not a bad thing! I have been making more meals from scratch, even though I did that anyway. I can't wait for spring to plant our garden! The best thing about this is that I am better! Not all the way, but at least half-way better. I get less headaches and drowsiness in the car and my throat doesn't hurt anymore. I know immediately when I am hitting something because I get an awful headache/flash of pain, that luckily fades if I stop eating whatever it is. Gid always says he couldn't live like I do, and I tell him how much happier I am. And yes sometimes I am bad. I eat the meal and chase it with Benedryl. But that isn't very often, only twice since Feb. once was for fake sour cream (corn) and caramels (if I am already having a reaction-might as well enjoy it!) In other news; Gevie is a skiing wonder. We have conquered almost all of Ullr Mountain. She skis by herself and I just follow her and shout directions or hints on steering. There is a junior league she can join next year that we are looking into so she could do it with her peers and be involved in a sport. Her highlight besides skiing was today when we went to friends for dinner and she was riding her snowmobile with two other kids (5 and 7). they both had them so they were all making tracks and laps together. AnnaBelle has an appointment with the allergist in LaCrosse. We want to get her tested like I did because we found so many answers there. We know about milk, but it still seems there is an underlying allergy or something. We have always suspected soy we have to monitor how much soy she gets. PLEASE PRAY IT IS NOT SOY. Soy is a major player in my diet now and it would be like killing our kitchen all over again. Also with AnnaBelle, we have always wondered why she has accidents and wets the bed when she gets even a little milk. I googled it and found several articles that discussed it. The theroy is that the bladder becomes inflamed and can't hold what it used to so the bathroom happens more. Which is what we see, it is amazing how often that kid will go sometimes. Also when the bladder becomes irritated the feelers that tell your body when to stop and go lose some of the "feeling." I'll attach a link, they have it make more sense. So we were super excited to finally figure that out and know for sure that it is an allergy thing, and not just AnnaBelle. AnnaBelle has been coming up with "my mouth hurts" and "there is dirt in my eyes" statements at bedtime. They are driving us bonkers because they are almost exclusively at bedtime and we think it is probably stalling. I also see the connections between those statements and how allergies make me feel, so I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. Not always working with a three year old. This is what is new with us. I didn't go into what Gid is up to, but maybe in another post. Thank you for reading and wanting to be a part of our lives. Please continue prayer for AnnaBelle and I. We are both doing well, but there are still mysteries!


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