Quiver and His New House

Not that I have to tell anyone that this is sort of late, but better late than never. Meet Quiver, the mini rex rabbit and don't forget to check out Gevie's crazy hair falling out of a pony tail. Quiver came from a farm in Silver Bay that belongs to a cousin (somehow) on the Bockovich side. Quiver is a great bunny, has litter trained well and puts up with Gevie chasing him and snuggling him.
We got the rabbit on Aug 8th, but didn't get the cage until the 13th. The girls and I started to put it together on Fri. afternoon. It is made with shelving cubes from Walmart. It cost us about $45 for a giant cage that would have been at least another $100. All those things all over are zip ties. Both girls had a great time putting on about 60 of them.

Daddy is doing the finishing touches. He put in two shelves or levels in the house and covered them with carpet. The black tray on the bottom came from the dogs kennel that never kept the dog in anyway.

No that is not the rabbit, it's the cat. We opened the door for bunny free time and she went it to get a drink of water. You can see one shelf, the other is above her head higher up, he has a nest box up there now too.
So that was our new project, now we started a few more!


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