How I Feel Today

Along with my friend Renee, we too do a lot of laundry as AnnaBelle is in underwear. Yes we know way early, but she decided to go diaperless and we follow. The problem comes that she wants to go on HER time and gets mad when you suggest it. Which is usually 10 minutes prior to her waiting to long. A work in progress.

Gevie, knows that the car makes me sick, at first she thought I wore the mask because of the dog hair in the car. We haven't told her much and she sits behind me so doesn't see me basically falling asleep. I want to make a video so people stop asking, so what happens? I go on drugs and then part of my brain passes out and I can't move. Apparently, after 30 minutes I "wake up." And have memory loss.

I won't know anything about anything until the nuerologist McKee reviews the results on Thurs. The office called me today and said the results were in and another nuero read it, but couldn't draw anything conclusive, he did say there were some anomilies? Things that weren't there when I said they were and were when i said they weren't? Anyway, no news that makes sense anyway until Thursday morning. Please Wednesday go fast.

This may get to be a long post but I found this verse through my Beth Moore study yesterday.
1 Peter 1: 6-9 Here is how I feel with my turmoil.

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been greived by various trials (Yes Lord), that the genuieness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, thought it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom not having seen you love.


  1. Hey thanks for the update. I am looking forward to hearing about the results too! Does the mask help in the car?


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