Our Darling AnnaBelle
Not the best picture, apparently I need to take more. This is when we hiked Cascade up by Pike lake Road. So no news is good news but AnnaBelle's check up had a surprise! I love surprises. Actually, since we had already taken dairy out of her diet, we kind of knew there was something going on.
So.... AB has always had chest congestion, like a cold that never goes away. We cut out dairy and have so far seen great improvement. We'll stick with it to see if its just a fluke. However at her check-up our Dr. noticed that she hasn't grown--for the last six months. She's always been "petite" but now she is falling off the charts. So they drew some blood (great fun for AnnaBelle) and are testing her blood counts, liver and kidney function, and testing her for Celiac disease which means she couldn't eat gluten. Gluten is EVERYWHERE, almost every grain, sauces, toothpaste, oh I can't imagine. I'll include a link to more information on Celiac.
For anyone thinking of how she eats, she eats healthy and eats A LOT. So her body may not be using the nutrients she is taking in.
As much as I pray and ask everyone else to pray that these test come back negative, I also pray for an answer. A positive blood test would confirm things, not put us back where we've been with "why don't you try this....."
So pray for an easy road for AnnaBelle, wherever the path may lead us. Oh and please pray for my peace of mind, it will be a week before we get the tests back!
Definitely praying.