Raspberries for Boots and Other AnnaBelle Favorites

What's this, you ask? Yes AnnaBelle does say quite a few words, or really sounds that mean words. We are excited to finally be comunicating with her though, even through grunts and sign language.

PPPPPP (like blowing raspberries on a belly) = boots (or shoes now that we can wear them)

Ball--easy enough

ARRRRGGGGGG (growling) = Did you guess? Dog

BB BB = Bye Bye

AAAAAAAAHH MMMAA (toddler screaming) while opening and shutting her hand in the air = Gimme more NOW.

So that is our newest news on AnnaBelle. When I hear her grunt and groan I think of the Holy Spirit, who is in Heaven pleading to the Father on our behalf in unintelligle sounds. I'll look up the verse. Maybe toddlers have a direct connection?

More updates, but time for work.


My friend Kelley looked up the verse, Romans 8:26, 34
"but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered."

Verse 34; "It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us."


  1. I am laughing so hard right now, especially picturing the Holy Spirit and Jesus interceding on our behalf in the sounds of a 1 year old trying to communicate! That verse is in Roman 8:26, 34.


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