Back on Track....

Saguaro (Sa-war-o) slide at the Pheonix Zoo. They also had a giant spider web to climb on. This was the coolest. I've never seen a slide like this! Gevie and AnnaBelle holding hands in the car. Gevie was a great helper with AnnaBelle and on her best behavior the whole trip with only a few times of acting like a three year old.

I keep thinking that I don't have anything to post, I do have some more pix of AZ though. This is Eric, Gid, and kids waiting for the train (subway) at the Denver airport. We went on a wild goose chase for an earlier flight and checked out the "C" terminal. B was definately the best, it's where United was!

As always we are too busy. I will be uploading all the pictures onto kodak gallery shortly to print them so if you aren's on my e-mail list and want to be, let me know.
I am having a Scentsy party tonight. Everyone has been invited, so hopefully the snow will wait (or not come) and I'll see you later!


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