AnnaBelle Sick Again

No worries, but I am writing this from St. Mary's Hospital. AnnaBelle has the stomach bug since 3am Sunday and is still throwing up. She was admitted (or sent to Duluth) because she needed an IV for dehydration. The latest update is that she is still putting out more fluids through urine and throwing up then they are putting in. They lowered her IV so there isn't as much going on (in case its flushing through her). They also gave her some drug ??? for nausea. She is finally taking a nap, she has been moving around and being AnnaBelle this morning. She was trying to climb on everything and pushing buttons (oops).
Rhonda and Chuck are doing daycare (!!!!), they've only called a few times for little stuff. They have 8 kids. Oh yeah and it's a snow storm outside. Happy April.
So there is the update, she is doing fine and getting the care she needs. I have plenty of time now during nap time to take my quizzes and start on the next speech and my final English Paper. I am sharing a room, the unit was nearly at capacity last night. The other family has the same GI stuff AB has, but may be here a bit longer. We are all teachers, so there is plenty to talk about! (Oh except that I am supposed to be doing homework!)


  1. Thanks for keeping us informed. Do not! Do not drive back up here tonight! It's horrible! The buses are getting ready to take the kids home early again. Call if there is anything we can do or if you need anything. Hug that baby for us.

    Diane and Dad.

  2. Oh dear! Bummer. Thanks for letting us know! Poor little AB and fam. Get better soon little sweetie!

  3. Daycare went fine - we don't want to do it every day, but it was okay. It is still sad that it takes two of us to make one Sara.

    AB was in our prayers all day. Keep the shiny side up on the way home!! Hopefully you are home by the time this goes through.
    love ya,


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