Funnest Weekend Ever

We had the funnest weekend ever! We were so busy with our friends Mark and Kelley up from Bemidji with thier children. Thier boy Oliver is Gevie's best bud and they have a new baby Karis too. On Friday we went to a game night at a mutual friends house, on Saturday we went to Adventourous Christians camp for thier "Winter Games" and then on Sunday saw them again at another friends house. Anyway, this post is about way more than us seeing them, check out the things we got into!

The picture above is of Mark and Kelly. I took this pix not only to get a great shot of them, but to show you all Marks fat lip that he sustained during Broomball. Broomball is best decribed by Genevieve, "Mom I want to go see them playing on that ice with the golf ball and sticks." Its a lot like hockey with a 5" ball and your stick looks like the handle of a shovel.

I didn't get away with out injury. This is a picture of my right hip. Not the prettiest picture ever. But Gid and my friends thought I had to post it. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt that bad... There is a mark in the upper left, thats a 18 year old Alpine Slide scar. The bruise is one day old here and is bigger than my palm.

This last picture is definately something for "Up North" you are an official Minnesotan when you see someone sled off the roof and say, "Me next!" So Sara and Gid took a sled off the roof of our friend Connie's house into a drift about 4 feet high. This was so fun that at the end four of us decided we should jump off too. HINT: land on your butt, not on your feet.
Our friend Joel got it right, Gid, Mark and I all hit bottom. And the leg that looked bad and felt fine, now hurts like it looks. I think I almost blew out my knee man this hurt, but hey I did jump off the roof. It was great fun and I'll do it again if I get the chance. Like I said we had a wild weekend. Oh! I also played "Cat and Mouse" I'll explain that later.
Good Night!!!


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