Irritable Uterus-Now what?
The newest direction that Sara's wierdness has taken. The dianosis was set by a nurse practicioner so it could be wrong, but after looking it up on-line, it fits--perfectly. What is a irritable uterus? I've linked a webpage under our links section with lots of information. But basically it means that I have a million contractions a day that don't do anything to start preterm labor, but they make me exhausted and they HURT. Some are just twinges, and others have me concentrating on my breathing. Contractions are irratic and sometimes it is a 20 minute contraction. Those are tons of fun.
Standing, walking, a full bladder, and a million other things including fetal movements can make my prego belly upset. Good days and bad days so somedays I am up for long stretches and nothing, and sometimes getting my self a snack is too much and I have to rest/sit.
The oxygen thing has leveled off, it doesn't drop that much and I try to get it to drop to give the Dr.'s more info. Yes, I'm still technically working, even though I only have 2-3 kids per day. It is working out great to have just a few so I can be mostly resting and not breaking up fights between my two kids.
I still go to the lung Dr. and the OB in Duluth on the 14th of this month. I am really hoping to OB has a ton of answers for me as well as tons of fun tests to check things out. Please pray for the appointment and for me not to go insane before then. This having to sit all the time is really starting to get to me. Oh! But the fun I had swimming in Devil Track Lake on Monday! I had to use a life jacket because it really hurt to use my abs-or what is left of them. But it was so amazing to be able to move around and have fun with Gevie and my brother Eric.
Standing, walking, a full bladder, and a million other things including fetal movements can make my prego belly upset. Good days and bad days so somedays I am up for long stretches and nothing, and sometimes getting my self a snack is too much and I have to rest/sit.
The oxygen thing has leveled off, it doesn't drop that much and I try to get it to drop to give the Dr.'s more info. Yes, I'm still technically working, even though I only have 2-3 kids per day. It is working out great to have just a few so I can be mostly resting and not breaking up fights between my two kids.
I still go to the lung Dr. and the OB in Duluth on the 14th of this month. I am really hoping to OB has a ton of answers for me as well as tons of fun tests to check things out. Please pray for the appointment and for me not to go insane before then. This having to sit all the time is really starting to get to me. Oh! But the fun I had swimming in Devil Track Lake on Monday! I had to use a life jacket because it really hurt to use my abs-or what is left of them. But it was so amazing to be able to move around and have fun with Gevie and my brother Eric.
Oh, wow!