Crazzzy December

December is always crazy around here with Genevieve's birthday and all the Christmas parties, programs and getting together with all branches of family. Here are only a few pix of what we've been up to. The horse was Gevie's birthday present. She loves it, so does ABelle. They got the giant dog (GV) and bear for Christmas.

Gevie and AnnaBelle in thier Christmas program at church. They were both angels but AnnaBelle took a liking to the sheep hat the last day, so she spent much of the program as a sheep in a dress. AnnaBelle stood up on the stage and danced and Gevie did sing rather well. Her favorite song was "Go Tell it on the Mountan."
On Genevieve's birthday we went to Okontoe for a Christmas service and sleigh ride. What fun we had! It was -15 tempeture, not windchill, but we had a great time petting the horses and singing carols. I'll post more pix and a few movies hopefully, but for now, if we didn't tell you how much we loved seeing almost everyone in this crazy month, we did.


  1. The girls were a real hit at the Christmas program. I loved the sheep hat on Anabelle.

  2. Sounds like it was a busy time for you all! Happy Birthday Genevieve! She looks all grown up in that pic at church! Oliver was kind of a comic relief in his Christmas program. It was really cute though. Heard the games were cancelled bummer. I need to call you to catch up. Probably not until next week sometime. We are off to K's apt. tomorrow.

    How is the oxygen working in the car? You able to travel longer distances??


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