
Showing posts from March, 2009

We are home

AnnaBelle and I are home. We got home at 7:15pm. Yes I drove home in the snow. The roads weren't that bad, as long as you knew where the road was. AnnaBelle is fine, still an upset tummy but not vomitting--thank goodness! I'm pooped so off I go. Sara

AnnaBelle Sick Again

No worries, but I am writing this from St. Mary's Hospital. AnnaBelle has the stomach bug since 3am Sunday and is still throwing up. She was admitted (or sent to Duluth) because she needed an IV for dehydration. The latest update is that she is still putting out more fluids through urine and throwing up then they are putting in. They lowered her IV so there isn't as much going on (in case its flushing through her). They also gave her some drug ??? for nausea. She is finally taking a nap, she has been moving around and being AnnaBelle this morning. She was trying to climb on everything and pushing buttons (oops). Rhonda and Chuck are doing daycare (!!!!), they've only called a few times for little stuff. They have 8 kids. Oh yeah and it's a snow storm outside. Happy April. So there is the update, she is doing fine and getting the care she needs. I have plenty of time now during nap time to take my quizzes and start on the next speech and my final English Paper. I am sh...

AnnaBelle Walking! and Genevieve "Painting" the Dog

This plays sideways. My camera is smart enough to switch it vertically for playing, but I haven 't had luck yet with the computer. So I'll get a better movie up in a while but for now I thougt it important to post ANNABELLE IS WALKING! Oh finally. In the whole sceme of things though, she started walking 6 weeks after she got tubes in her ears.

A Sunday Evening

Usually when Gid cuts his hair and shaves, Genevieve is asleep. Tonight she got to help. She did a great job cutting his hair. While her and AnnaBelle where in the bath, she was watching him put shaving cream and asking what it was and why he was shaving all his mustache off. She has previously only played with shaving cream at daycare. If you haven't done it at your house, try it! It is great fun and a new medium to practice writing names with.

Back on Track....

Saguaro (Sa-war-o) slide at the Pheonix Zoo. They also had a giant spider web to climb on. This was the coolest. I've never seen a slide like this! Gevie and AnnaBelle holding hands in the car. Gevie was a great helper with AnnaBelle and on her best behavior the whole trip with only a few times of acting like a three year old. I keep thinking that I don't have anything to post, I do have some more pix of AZ though. This is Eric, Gid, and kids waiting for the train (subway) at the Denver airport. We went on a wild goose chase for an earlier flight and checked out the "C" terminal. B was definately the best, it's where United was! As always we are too busy. I will be uploading all the pictures onto kodak gallery shortly to print them so if you aren's on my e-mail list and want to be, let me know. I am having a Scentsy party tonight. Everyone has been invited, so hopefully the snow will wait (or not come) and I'll see you later! Sara