This is actually turning out to be a good story, my brother said, "This was all you little sis" and I replied, "No, it was all God." So anyway here is my story. We still had not heard any word on Sunday. My mom has been working with the local police even though thier efforts were frugal at the least. We did everything we thought we could do except wait for God's perfect timing. I had talked about this to my mom and we both had a feeling of peace about it. On Sunday while I was at the doctor for another ear infection with AnnaBelle and then off to a Christmas party, a kid down the street got a call from Julie with a wild story and needing money. Somehow this kid Chris, didn't know about the drama down the street so he talked to her and said he didn't really have any money to give. Later when he got his computer back on line he saw the notices about Julie. So my mom got a call, "I think I might know where Julie is." Yeah! She had used a phone a...
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