Winter Toys

This picture shows us going on a winter walk during our first 6 months. Uffda. That was a long time ago. We are just about to head into our 4th winter. That first one, it was a doozy, with a steep learning curve. Small kid and I miss that first year though because we had to get outside and do stuff. One, it was all new and we wanted to explore, two with barely functioning heating system, it was easier to get dressed and go outside than to make your body happy at 60 with no coat. We also had to snowmobile in and out of the house to our cars, which was super cool. We picked the best spot to use our downhill skis on the driveway and towed kids back up with the snowmobile. Hubby got me a pair of skis that work like snowshoes (pictured above), and we were pretty excited to have easy access to places to use our snowshoes. Although we learned quickly that it was much more enjoyable to go on a walk on trails that the hubby had packed dow...