Old Enough to Know Better but too young to Care

We're doing something. It might be a bad idea. Honestly we've both looked at each other and said, "This is a bad idea." Here's the shortest version I can give you. In seventy-two hours or less, we will buy our dream house in the middle of no where, off grid, with issues (like a whole house heat set-up), with everything that touches the house costing more money. More on how we got to this point later. For now some of the nitty gritting. We are moving as a family of five. We would not consider ourselves adventurers or outdoor enthusiasts although we enjoy doing things together outside. Following is the progression of bumps and choices we chose to make and continued to pursue the house of our dreams. 1. This house has four miles of rough road travel that is only snowmobile friendly in winter-yes I will have to snowmobile to my car to drive to work.--if you know me, the answer is yes I do know that I will have a 75 minute commute. 2. The new house is solar, but it ...