
Showing posts from July, 2009
Hiking up Jonvick Creek next to Shoredge in Lutsen. AnnaBelle and Carter (niece RaeAnne is on left Carter is her brother same age as AB) hiked quite a bit and had fun splasing in the water. Highlights of the last week. My friend Stephanie and I with help from Court and GV painted daycare some crazy colors. AnnaBelle said shoe when hers was falling off. Gideon fell asleep with a half eaten burrito in front of him. We got all the carpet in our house steam cleaned (we are still undigging from that yesterday). I hung a clothes line outside because our dryer broke, Gid isn't pleased with the upstairs fridge, downstairs has major issues and our bathtub well... we probably need a new one. How exciting! Busy week talk later! Sara

Yeah Tests are in!

Oh joy! AnnaBelle tested negative for Celiac Disease!! And her other two tests were normal too. Also another break through we had a formed BM today. I'm sure everyone is just as excited as I am. So we are sticking with the no dairy. I'll continue to monitor her weight with the Wii. Maybe in another few weeks if her diapers stay normal we'll try cheese or yogurt. I will also be looking for information on the milk allergy/intolerance. Gevie is going to Vacation Bible School with Courtney at the Baptist Church in town. They are having tons of fun and have a program tomorrow. Gideon really wants a cheeseburger but doesn't want one blended up (I offered). He eats Jello and pudding for lunch and mashed potatoes for dinner. Sara has to register for fall semester classes and order books. Classes start mid August. Get pix posted soon of vacation.

We're Back

We are back and all super tired. We got here about 1:30 am today. Gideon's tonsil surgery went wonderful and he is back at work today, even on time. Two of AnnaBelle's test came back normal, so we are just waiting for the Celiac test. I finally got the link over there. Our niece Courtney is visiting, she hasn't seen the playground yet. I bet she'll go crazy. More later

Our Darling AnnaBelle

Not the best picture, apparently I need to take more. This is when we hiked Cascade up by Pike lake Road. So no news is good news but AnnaBelle's check up had a surprise! I love surprises. Actually, since we had already taken dairy out of her diet, we kind of knew there was something going on. So.... AB has always had chest congestion, like a cold that never goes away. We cut out dairy and have so far seen great improvement. We'll stick with it to see if its just a fluke. However at her check-up our Dr. noticed that she hasn't grown--for the last six months. She's always been "petite" but now she is falling off the charts. So they drew some blood (great fun for AnnaBelle) and are testing her blood counts, liver and kidney function, and testing her for Celiac disease which means she couldn't eat gluten. Gluten is EVERYWHERE, almost every grain, sauces, toothpaste, oh I can't imagine. I'll include a link to more information on Celiac. For anyone thin...


So here finally is all the details on our worm bin. It is homemade and mostly functional. The spout doesn't work well because we couldn't put it low enough. The worms get fed once a week or every 4 days if we have a ton of food. The eat everything that is good for you but take forever to break up hotdogs and french fries I am told. The black is wet peat moss then a layer of shredded packing paper and leaves. On top is a garbage bag to keep in moisture. The ice cream bucket is where we scrape our plates for the worms. How do I like it? I think it is great. We haven't made a full rotation so I don't know if the worms have eaten everything I gave them two weeks ago. The bin doesn't smell even though there is chicken, watermelon, muffin, and various other things in there for two weeks. How do you feed worms? Put scraps in a bucket and put a lid on so no flies lay eggs and make more flies. Once a week or so, dig a hole in the worm dirt and bury the food. Make sure it is...