Checking In At Month Two

Overall, we are settling in well. We still regularly have no power, internet, or some other type of mechanical issue. The saga about heating the basement continues. It is a balmy 50 degrees right now. We are mixing dry wood from a family wood shed (with permission) with green wood. As in we split it and burn it in the same week. The $5000 generator has never managed to be fully connected because winter showed up about six days after we did. It generally works like a regular generator except for some reason it's leaking oil (apparently) and we have to jump start it with a battery pack every time we start it. The school jetpack-brand new- died after a month. Who knows why. So we have continued to hodge-podge for school. For some reason the cat and the dog are getting fat. They are also working together to steal food. Example, cat jumps to counter or table and throws food down to dog. The cat who usually ignores people in cat behavior, now frantically follows ...