
Showing posts from August, 2011

Milk and Duck break through!

Baby duck aka Lucky Monster ducks. Flip, bending down, male. Puddle, checking you out, hopefully female. Eloise playing peek a boo with her tutu. Anyway, milk and duck, not together in a recipe (not yet anyway) but two seperate break throughs in the Silence house. Allergist said to try AB and cheese. We have been and it hasn't been bad. She has had accidents at night again and it seems like she the bathroom more. We stopped milk because she wasn't growing, she just passed all the nutrients (or most of them anyway). So we want to make sure she isn't starting that again. She also has had several things with milk and hasn't reacted yet. She is more hyper---like a kid on caffine. So not sure how far we are making it. But definately farther than before. I can also sneak some milk and corn (like the less than 2% of ingredients) which means I went to the doughnut shop and got to eat my whole doughnut. Even though I had a few hives o...


Getting pretty bad at updating now. I'll have to make this my homepage again so I see it everyday. The typing isn't the problem it is posting new pix which is what everyone wants to see. A few quick blurbs here and some pix. Allergies: Not sure how much I trust the allergist in LaCrosse now. AB tested high on a skin test for milk but not a blood test. He said to start introducing small amounts of cheese because of the negative blood test. If she can handle it we don't have to go back for 9 months. I gave her a bite of string cheese and she wet the bed. Maybe coincidence, but we'll be keeping a log. Try a sample of cheese tomorrow too. Sara is feeling much better with allergies. Still miss food though. Might have to succomb to the temptation and have a fried chicken part from the Legion. Chase it with Benedryl. Ducks: the ducks have their new house and we really like it and so do they. they are about the size of a juevenille goose now. Or a really fat duck. they are abou...