Milk and Duck break through!
Baby duck aka Lucky
Monster ducks. Flip, bending down, male. Puddle, checking you out, hopefully female.
Eloise playing peek a boo with her tutu.
Anyway, milk and duck, not together in a recipe (not yet anyway) but two seperate break throughs in the Silence house.
Allergist said to try AB and cheese. We have been and it hasn't been bad. She has had accidents at night again and it seems like she the bathroom more. We stopped milk because she wasn't growing, she just passed all the nutrients (or most of them anyway). So we want to make sure she isn't starting that again. She also has had several things with milk and hasn't reacted yet. She is more hyper---like a kid on caffine. So not sure how far we are making it. But definately farther than before.
I can also sneak some milk and corn (like the less than 2% of ingredients) which means I went to the doughnut shop and got to eat my whole doughnut. Even though I had a few hives o...