
Showing posts from May, 2010

Wierdo Update

We got the oxyometer from Duluth today, the thing that measures the oxygen in your blood. I also got the number that I shouldn't go below; 85%. I've been up and around with the thingy and it drops to 93, so that is promising at least-no totally tied down. The biggest thing is the more I am up, the bigger headache I get. Not all together pleasant, but I'll take what I can get. I'll be moving around this weekend and seeing what I can and can't do.

Here we go Wierdness, Here we Go

By the title it is obviously a post of Sara. A new bump in the road and tests to run. I started feeling "heavy-headed" when I stood up and and cramps. I called and of course the nurse said I should come in (me and AB have a go directly to "jail" card). They ran a few things but the simplest one was the answer. When I stand up and walk around I lose oxygen. Doing a two minute walk in the hospital dropped it to 77% instead of 100%. When I sit, it immediately goes to 100%. The headache, breathlessness, and vision take a minute to recover. What does this mean? They are going to try a few new things to try and figure it out, the problem will only get worse as the baby grows and demands more of my blood/oxygen. I am almost done with my first day doing daycare sitting down. Genevieve says, "Wow I didn't know you could even change diapers sitting down." I wheel myself around the kitchen in my office chair. Whatever works. Not working is not an option-unless it...

Update Anyone?

I forgot that you are supposed to update the blog every now and again. Nothing special, just a what's been happening here. I purposely posted a cute picture of AnnaBelle getting "eaten" by the chair at the circus. She is a real pill lately. Gid and I both take "time outs" away from her. If she stubs her toe, it's a temper tantrum with screaming, if a zipper is stuck, she wants more juice and you say water, anything, lots of screaming. AHHHHHHH. In her slight defense, she has been sick again (what's new about that?) pnemonia and ear infections. She has been on Amoxicillan since April 5. Yes we are getting her new tubes---or something. Nothing awful or contagious, just the same common cold every got and got over at the end of March, but ABelle is special and can't kick the congestion and it keeps digging in. Hopefully her check up next week will be all clear, but if you hear the rattle in her chest......probably not. Last time we heard, "The lung...