Uh...What day is it?

This is when I took my niece Courtney on a girls day in Duluth two weeks ago. The title??? Yeah it's been that bad. Work and housework, and broken motors, and family and friends visiting. To many things to do. We painted the basement fun bright colors. Our good friends Stephanie and Josh and kids of course are moving to IN. But we get to see our other friends Mark, Kelley, Oliver, and Karis this week so that is exciting. My brother Al and family were up last week and so was my Grandma Alice. So like I said, busy. Mostly I wanted to post because people have been asking about AnnaBelle. She gained 1lb in 3 weeks which is unheard of lately. I need to weigh her again because I swear she is getting heavier. We have just cut out major milk products. We miss a lot of things, like cheez its, goldfish, and stroganoff (meaning she eats them and doesn;t seem to have a problem with the amount. We will continue to play with this to see what she can handle and what the main culprit is. Is it...