
Showing posts from April, 2009

Girls Day in Duluth

"Mom, why did that bear step on Santa Claus?" Asked Genevieve when she saw the statue at Menards. The sign says, "wipe your paws." Last Saturday the 25th, I planned a girls day in Duluth. Gevie needed somethings and I did too. So I wanted to take her on a shopping day. We brought Stephanie L. and her baby Sophia down with us. It was a ton of fun. We spent the morning at the mall where Sara found two pairs of pants that fit everywhere! Yeah Old Navy. I also peeked through the DSW clearance and found a pair of rain boots. Just in time! (It's raining today). Then we hit Wal-Mart for socks, tights, and micellaneous and Gevie got to pick out the fabric for her and AnnaBelles bath robes. Of all the choices, including one pink with polka-dots, she picks a fabric called "Blended Green." Wierd kid. She also got to shop through the toy section to find a few things--like a MagnaDoodle. But mom forgot to think of the four birthdays that are coming up. We promised ...

Old Picture and Regualar Stuff

So I've been looking for these pictures for awhile now. I knew they were somewhere. This is Gevie and Grandma Diane disembarking from Kennedy's Air Force One plane at the Pima Air Museum. Sara is trying to finish this awful paper. And then move on to the last few ((YEAH!)) assignments for English II and Speech. If I can find funding, I plan on taking a class this summer. It will probably end up being Psycology or Math. I know, I know more fun classes. I don't mind those two, just not at the same time. AnnaBelle still has chest congestion...... but seems to be happy. She says; ball, eeerrrgg (dog), me, more (mo) and Mama, Dada. Gevie really wants to go on vacation. She keeps planning little trips to see her friend Oliver or Grandma Karen, or cousin Courtney, or her friend Lexi in Washington. Gid has fire stuff this weekend at the EMT conference and me and Gevie are going shopping in Duluth for somehting besides food.!! SARa

Not always a picture

I don't post all the time because I don't always have a new picture to post. But I keep seeing that I haven't posted and it is bothering me. At daycare all week we have been learning about Easter and the death and resurection of Jesus. Hooray he is ALIVE! I have answered some tough questions from kids but we made it through. Gevie has a flag that she made in Sunday school and she waves it about singing, "Ha-lun-a, Ha-lun-a" Her version of Hallelugieh and Hosanna put together. Gid is currently at the "burn trailer" completing his Firefighter II class. AnnaBelle is asleep with a stuffy nose but getting better everyday from a sinus infection. Sara is still struggling with a speech due next week, a paper due the 27th that I haven't started and 3 Pampered Chef shows in 7 days. Oh, but I am doing an overnight craft night so that will be fun. Better get my homework done so I can go!! Happy Easter--Jesus Lives!